Thursday, October 11, 2012

Resurrected Blog

The Beginning of the End…

          …A Journey of Death

            By Ann Wilmer-Lasky


            The days I've left may be precious few. I do not know their number, only that they are fewer than I had reckoned on. (Oops! I ended that sentence with a preposition.) You know something? I don't care. I'm dying - I can end a sentence whatever way I want to.

            OK! So I'm not sick-in-bed-dying (there but for the grace of the gods go I) But I have a bad heart, and I am sorely feeling my mortality, especially after a particularly nasty bout with congestive heart failure and a less than happy prognosis of a severely damaged heart muscle.

            This blog is not so much about the rigors of death, as it is about what I need-want-aim to do before I die and what I can't possibly accomplish, given my history, circumstances and pathology.

            As hope no longer springs eternal for me, I am forced to face that I may never see another… What? Holiday? (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years?) Birthday? (mine, my husband's, my kid's, their kid's, their kid's kid's?) The friends I've left behind? Yet I do not feel a compulsion to engage in the frenzied activity necessary to enjoy each and several one last time. Perhaps I'm merely weary of the struggle that has become my life. Perhaps I've developed a somewhat jaded, fatalistic view of things. But then I always did see that proverbial glass as half empty, and I'm a life long subscriber to Murphy's Law and its main corollary: "Whatever can go wrong will go wrong and at the worst possible moment."

            Those moments now being anything, anytime as my resources to deal are now severely limited and my prospects are not the greatest, if not non-existent.

            So much for my complaints - what does my reader gain from my rantings? Perhaps this:




(an admonition I have preached to myself and yet ignored for more years than I care to recollect. Remember - there was always tomorrow. That at some point becomes no longer so.

            Remember, too, these words from the popular hymn: "You who have dreams, if you act, they will come true. Would you turn your dreams into a fear, it's up to you."

            Forget about the 'paying your dues' right of passage. You were born into this world. You have already paid enough. You are entitled to whatever success you can garner.

            My poem of the moment follows. Shades of Wild Bill - the first in a new collection which will be published at or before my death, depending on how long I have left.
Shades of Wild Bill
            By Ann Wilmer-Lasky
The acrid scent of death
Hangs heavy on the air.
Soaring vultures spiral
Warily overhead.
A gray, yet cloudless, sky
Drifts hapless west to east.
Summer cools to the touch
Of harsher autumn winds.
I sit and wait, aware
The aces and the eights
I hold bode never well,
But no dark figure looms,
Nor pistol cocked and primed,
No ante has been raised
Against my brazen bluff.
I fold the hand I'm dealt,
Face down the damning cards
Upon the table strewn
With my now straitened life.
I shall not die today.

Ann Wilmer-Lasky writes Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror novels out of Roswell New Mexico. The Chronicles of Acqueria: Blood Moon Treachery, The Seasons of Sam Rock and the 25th Anniversay Edition of The Castleweaver's Tales are all available on

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