Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Change of Focus

Change of Focus…

          …A Journey of Death

            By Ann Wilmer-Lasky


            Perhaps I should change focus from contemplating my final dying breath to merely exploring my more imminent mortality. It may not be as direct, but perhaps, it would frighten my friends and relatives less.

            And as long as I am living a little more than day-to-day, perhaps I should also get my ducks in some sort of order. I have nine novels in various states of completion, and I have a memoir to write. Also, my DH should at least know where the financial and legal papers are located (as soon as I locate them, of course).

            As to why I should finish my novels and write my memories when it appears few are interested in my work - even my dying declarations - I simply ask why not? They may mean nothing to anyone else, but at least they will occupy my mind and keep me from sleeping what's left of my life away.

            Also, since I have lived through most of eight decades some of what I remember may be of historical interest. At the least I can offer opinions and comparisons of the times and draw some conclusions that no one will bother to heed. (I sense a trend here.)

            Do you know it used to take seven long hours to fly from Midway Airport in Chicago to Los Angeles? And that's non-stop on a prop job with actual propellers. And LAX was in the middle of farmland as far as the eye could see. Even in the 60's gas was 25¢ a gallon, if you crossed the county line a few miles away. A loaf of bread was also a quarter, and those hamburgers from under the golden arches were 15¢ - 2¢ extra for cheese.

            Not much ranting today - just some and some advice:

A half-empty glass
Is still half-full.

 (An admission of perspective.)

            My poem of the moment follows. Mortal Writer - the fourth in a new collection which will be published at or before my death, depending on how long I have left.
Mortal Writer
            By Ann Wilmer-Lasky
I am merely mortal,
Yet embrace thoughts of gods.
In my well-penned hand I
Do create paper lives
And deal them blows or boons
With equal whim, fancy
That I might perhaps gain
My own most mortal coil.
I write death's scenes for good
And evil as the same,
Nor feel within my soul
That justice ought prevail.
Among the words, I blur
The good deed done and flaunt
Perpetration of bad.
For grayness tints and taints
Life as I perceive it.
And I would not draw those
Lines as black, nor as white.
If I could curb my words,
I would say the same of
My life as the life of
My neutral pen's worst fiend
With bold audacity
To create life and claim:
I shall not die today.

Ann Wilmer-Lasky is living and dying in Roswell, New Mexico where she writes Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror novels. Her published works include: The Chronicles of Acqueria: Blood Moon Treachery , The Seasons of Sam Rock  and the 25th Anniversary Edition of The Castleweaver's Tales - all available on Amazon.com

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