Saturday, October 13, 2012

2nd in a Series on Dying

Sunshine and Fresh Air…

          …A Journey of Death

            By Ann Wilmer-Lasky


            Today I am sitting in my back yard enjoying the blue sky and fluffy white clouds along with the occasional arrow-straight contrail. I am listening to the myriad chirping birds gathering before they cross the border to winter in Mexico's warmth. I am not thinking of dying…

            Who am I kidding? I am always thinking of dying, except perhaps in my dreams. I do still dream. I don't remember them much except that they are not pleasant dreams. They allow me no escape from my waking life.

            But death? Death permeates every waking thought. Even when I am thinking of the things I must do, the deadline is shortened by my pending doom.

            Within the next few days, I must complete the filing of income tax - knowing that, although I have nothing left, taxes my be paid on what I had and had to throw after the mounting bills I could not pay.

            Yes, I know about bankruptcy. It didn't cover everything. And my meager Social Security doesn't cover my current even though minimal obligations. It seems there are no jobs in the small, economically challenged New Mexican community we moved to.

            So maybe I have a heart attack and die with the stress of the taxes and the bills, but that would offer no relief to my family.

            Wait! Didn't I start this out sitting under the wonderful, warm fall sky, enjoying the sound of the birds? Yet like E.A. Poe there is "no surcease of sorrow". (Gee was that period outside the quotation mark?) I don't care - I'm dying. I can put the period where I want to.

            My admonition from today's rantings? Perhaps this:


Put every cent you can safely by. A dollar in the hand can buy food. Pie-in-the-sky is just that and will not fill your belly.


(An admonition I have long been aware of - yet, again, there was always tomorrow.)

            My poem of the moment follows. I Sing the Body Dying - the second in a new collection which will be published at or before my death, depending on how long I have left.
I Sing the Body Dying
            By Ann Wilmer-Lasky
When every breath I draw
Consumes my will and strength,
My every waking thought,
The beating of my heart
The only thing I need
Not cause, I may contend
Demise most imminent.
I would let go and fill
My head with numbing dreams,
Perhaps reach for the light.
But there is part of me
That will not acquiesce,
That measures still each breath
A victory of life
However hollow, part
That screams my wild rantings
Into the dull, dead air.
I shall not die today.
Ann Wilmer-Lasky writes Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror novels out of Roswell New Mexico. The Chronicles of Acqueria: Blood Moon Treachery , The Seasons of Sam Rock  and the 25th Anniversay Edition of The Castleweaver's Tales are all available on

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